He’s off to work!!!!

It’s just the critters and me here today…A perfect day to get things done.  I seldom just sit around on days like this.  I wish I could give myself permission to scrapbook or watch daytime TV and crochet…but haven’t been able to do that for awhile.  What has happened to me?  The prevailing thought is that sometimes we relax more because we are accomplishing tasks that we may feel guilty for not accomplishing thus negative, rather than accomplishing what we enjoy which is positive.  I’m trying to  think this thru and correct it just like I’m trying to give up caffeine…hahahahahaha

Our little Benny poo’ed in the pot again this morning…if there is one cat that will get this toilet training, it will be Benny…I’m so proud…

Off now to price some things for the antique store…may go get my nails done if I’m in the mood for the 25 minute drive, while I’m out, I may get a new shelf and redo the bathroom…we’ll keep that as our little secret..he doesn’t need to know it yet. wa ha ha

Until next time….

3 thoughts on “He’s off to work!!!!

  1. @skanickadee – We have a very dear family friend who is single – loves animals but can’t have them in her house – she stays I give her a token daily payment 🙂


  2. Nina – you have more energy in one day than I have in about a month.Well, whatever you do, I hope you have a good day!Yay for Benny!  That is impressive.What are you going to do with all your critters when you go on vacation?


  3. Can I give you permission to crochet?  May be productive until lunch then crochet 🙂


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