When we don’t feel happy

3 years ago, we moved away from everything we have ever known which includes some besties.  we moved 4 hours south to a house I love, moving out of the boonies and into a neighborhood which I love (for the most part).  We made this decision because I had to have a new start and get away from the negativity and anxiety in my life and afforded us the opportunity to live close to and love fully our grandchildren.  I do not regret the decision.  With that being said, I miss family celebrations on holidays and birthdays.  It is something I could change if I wanted to take the initiative…and if I were more self aware of how I was going to feel.

With that in mind….I spent my birthday, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day as if it was just any other day in my week.  This week thinking about my daughters birthday coming up, I started feeling some depression settling in.  I decided to try essential oils…I totally am committed to the value of using essential oils for healing…but I was skeptical that just breathing them in could seriously have any impact.  I had tried using a diffuser and I love the scents but I decided to try what I’ve been reading.  I put do terra essential oils…lavender, bergamot, ylang ylang and Roman chamomile in my hands and took whiffs then I rub the mixture on the bottom of my feet and put the mixture in my diffuser.  Within 10 minutes I felt the funk beginning to lift.  I did the same thing this morning.  The change is remarkable.  If you are suffering in your own funk or dealing with your own depression, I encourage you to give it a try!

And…a friend of mine posted This on FB this morning.  A good read!

Until next time…..

4 thoughts on “When we don’t feel happy

  1. Thank you for the tips. I recently purchased some incense, relaxing music, candles, a special soap in order to do some self care. I want to avoid the news, TV and the internet for some days at a time. I really feel everything that goes on around us affects our mood. I am grateful for many things but I also feel down about a lot: losing my friend last year has really affected me. There is always a sense of guilt that doesn’t allow me to do more with my life, but the desire is def. there. I will start with some moments of relaxation and quiet. xoxo

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  2. I recently had reflexology done with essential oils. It was pretty amazing. I just diffuse at home–and even that helps. Glad you found a fix!

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  3. I love lavender and anything citrus. “and if I were more self aware of how I was going to feel.” How self-aware do you want to be? Denial serves a purpose. One thing that has helped me with my family is to decide what I won’t talk about–ahead of time. To not try to “handle things well” on the fly but to know beforehand where my boundaries are. Maybe you are not taking the initiative for good reason. Not taking initiative may be wise.

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