It’s November

What a whirlwind half of year…being with him at Mayo several times, mom’s final antics and death, Jenny and Ryan moving away, Aunt Frances’ final antics and death…sorting sorting sorting thru the 90+ years of their life from the “stuff” they left behind…I’m not really feeling overwhelmed anymore because time is not an element.  If I die before it is done, I have two daughters to complete the job.  I also adopted another cat in the middle of all of that…he was sort of adopted by Jenny before she moved..he was a stray..she couldn’t leave him so we took him..they had named him Winston but I couldn’t remember that name so he is now Truman..why that is easier, I have no clue.  Thank goodness he was the last cat because had he been the first cat, we would have just had him.  He’s a gigantic kitten..clumsy, makes life hell for the other 4 cats and devil dog, runs like the wind and don’t make the mistake of walking by him when he is spread out on the floor thinking he is asleep.  HE IS NOT ASLEEP…he loves to grab things as they go by….

I’ve been busy sorting, pricing and hauling things into my antique store booth…I love this little job and I may make a little money too.  I’ve tried to analyze it..but screw that and just enjoy it.  I’m putting jewelry on e-bay now and loving that too…what is wrong with me..I’m enjoying things…

We have an early January appointment scheduled at Mayo Clinic for the removal of his 1 adrenal gland and tumor.  Christmas is coming and I”m getting very excited about it.  Very excited.  I love to decorate for Christmas..I’m not dreading anything this Christmas and may envelope myself in the spirit.

Life is good for me.  I wish it were as good for everyone else that I like and love…but everything in it’s own time. 

Until next time….


3 thoughts on “It’s November

  1. Glad to hear you have made it through all the hard times.


  2. It has been quite a year for you Nina!  You seem to be doing really well.  


  3. Yay Nina!  You sound good.   


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