The weekend caper

Thank goodness the weekend is over!!!

The plan was to take the camper and boat down to Lake Red Rock on Saturday when we got up..which is actually midafternoon for us late shift workers.  The weather was going to be fine, I needed to camp, I needed a couple of days to uncomplicate my mind and just have fun.  Tom and Rhonda were on board for this weekend to be totally uninspired where the only thing we had to worry about was a sunburn..well, other than Tom’s total mindset that we were going to run into big foot or a werewolf…you see how uncomplicated these people are.

Friday night they were totally thinking about our comfort and called to say that since “he” had to work Saturday night, that why didn’t we just take the boat down on Sunday and forego the Saturday camping trip…it would be so much work and “he” wouldn’t be able to enjoy it…instead…why don’t they just come down to our place and have hamburgers and we can continue trying to burn down the dead tree that we started last week.  Did I mention Saturday was also Tom’s birthday…so..change of plans in motion…yes..much less stress.  I decided to shop for the potty when I got off work Saturday morning ( See Saturday’s blog and that endless theme) so I got to bed around 11:30 am.  Tom and Rhonda and Phil had already started picking up sticks and getting the pile around the tree ready by the time I was able to get out of bed.  Hamburgers and brats were great for supper..not as great as the fudge cake with chocolate frosting we had…we set the tree off to burn 7ish.  We pulled up our lawn chairs, a cooler of beer and water and were content to discuss life in general and watch the tree burn.  “He” left for work at 8:40 and predicted the tree would not fall…but we would have plenty of warning as it would crack and make lots of noise before it went over.

At 10:25:30 I was poking the tree with all of my might making the pretty sparks shoot up the tree, at 10:26 a log rolled away from the tree, at 10:26:10 the other logs rolled away from the tree; at 10:26:15 I was walking back to my chair when at 10:26:20 the tree fell, I was in the process of pushing the poker into the ground when I heard Rhonda exclaim, I heard the rustle of the tree falling – hoping it wasn’t fallin on me, I moved fast, tried to turn to see it, tripped over my own foot and fell to the ground exactly 1 second after the tree fell to the ground.  I thought I was fine until I tried to stand up.  After much argument about the health of my right leg and knee, they forced me to get in the car for a trip to the ER…nothing broken….medical appliance to hold my knee in place from the sprain goes from crotch to mid-calf.  Called Phil to meet at the hospital…of course in his correctional officer uniform with me feeling like an injured inmate from the prison….Home, one of Phil’s vicodin from his foot surgery and off to bed for me…

Sunday 11:30 am, I need to get out of bed to go boating…I’m totally out of it…he had to get everything ready, I was able to shower and dress myself and then reclined in the chair with not a thought in the world other than trying desperately to stay awake.  Off to Lake Red Rock, stay awake, stay awake, Rhonda and I in the boat, Phil driving the truck and trailer up to the parking lot, Tom holding the rope…drifting toward tree, Tom lets go of the rope…Rhonda in the driver seat, Tom making hand motions to tell her how to put the boat in reverse/forward which way to turn to get back to them…stay awake stay awake… giggle…She cursed and threatened murder…this was totally new to both of us…I’m not worried…I just need to stay awake..giggle

We are all on board, thanks to Rhonda…beautiful day, peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, sun is great, oh so relaxing..oh, Tom has a fish…it’s not going to fit in the small net, oh, its a huge catfish, ohhhhhh.well at least it didn’t break the line, but it is gone…let’s move to another cove…here we go…air in hair – feels good stay awake…

I looked at Tom and said…did he just shut it off, Tom said, I hope so….boat motor died, won’t go.  Get us a rescue vessel…here comes the US Army corp of Engineers to hook on and take us to shore…as it gets closer, we realize is Mark…the girls middle school science teacher and part-time cute little park ranger….he got us to shore, “he”, Rhonda and Tom were successful getting the boat on the trailer and they pulled her out…I had a fun ride out of the water… – with much thought, they were able to figure out how to get me off the boat, I was loaded safely in the truck for the trip home.

Screw this staying awake stuff…totally over rated…crawl up steps on all 4’s…ahhhhhh, finally.