Jax called me yesterday

GRANDMA! Followed by some 5 year old rambling about painting with acrylics and paint brushes and mom said NO! I finally asked him if he wanted me to talk to mom and he said YES! It all revolves around him telling his mom that he could paint by himself but he only had one paint brush but he knew how to rinse it in a glass of water and blot it with a paper towel and change colors. Jenny said, “he can do that himself”? Hahaha yep he can! ❤️ my heart was full. That sweet little voice and me wondering what transpired in the conversation before he decided grandma needed to be contacted….

I woke up this morning smiling about it followed by a lone tear because everything changes today….the first day of kindergarten. While I’m so filled with love and excitement for him knowing it’s time….I’m also feeling a void….I’ll miss that sweet, excited little boy bursting through the garage door 3 days a week excited for today’s adventure whatever it is, hearing him yell GRANNDDD..ma when I’m in another room, I’m going to miss putting puzzles together several times a day or week and the little disagreements over pieces and the joy when we’ve put the very same puzzle together once again!

Now there will be a whole new excitement and wonder and stories when we see him! Today the world of possibilities opens up to him! Somebody hand me a Kleenex.

Until next time….

4 thoughts on “Jax called me yesterday

  1. You have a special little grandson. Enjoy every minute of him. I can feel the love oozing from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is great! I still hate when school starts. I did when my kids were little and I still do now with my grandkids. But I love going to their events and hearing their stories and the excitement. My girls are also here 3 days a week and I’ve been thinking all week how I only have a couple more weeks with them. It’s different when they’re just here hanging out all day a few times a week then when they come over on the weekends for a few hours. But we are very lucky Grandmas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. NINA! You are so lucky, and it is so well deserved.


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