Under the auspices of God

Or what ever deity you think you are representing, this is a short, yet direct rant to those who take cover under the umbrella of Christian for your bigoted, nasty, painful, critical, hateful beliefs.

For the most part, I question you even attend an organization of formal “religion”,  have any idea whatsoever the teachings of the Bible you hold up as a sword or say your prayers before each meal let alone lift up in supplication the needs, pain or love for anyone or anything.

I’ve recently read statements, blogs and Facebook posts from people I know and people I don’t know who use the Christian label to define themselves that have absolutely blown me away.  Negative, downright nasty, bigoted, cruel comments have been put out there from electrified fingers on a keyboard.  These are not the teachings of Jesus who you exhault as your spiritual leader and in his name.  These are the rhetorical bombastic remarks from someone who really only worships self.

There is a huge gap between political conservative-liberal differences and the hateful dialogue spewing from your heart in the name of the God you use as a cloak for your hate.

That’s it!

If you disagree with me or take offense at these words, tell someone that cares…not me.  I don’t care what you think.

4 thoughts on “Under the auspices of God

  1. One day, back when I was a conservative Christian, an elderly gentleman said, “If the the King James Version was good enough for Jesus, it is good enough for me!” No irony. Just ignorance. I laugh at the idea of Jesus sitting around reading the KJV. I’m not a conservative Christian anymore. The ignorance got too overwhelming.

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  2. YES! Right there with you! I am so tired of hearing hateful speech from people who call themselves Christians.

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