A day past two weeks…

I’ve read everything I could get my hands on in order to adequately prepare for my nephrectomy recovery.  4 weeks seems to be the magic number for returning to work.  Exhaustion and muscle pain are often mentioned…but I swear i didn’t  think it would happen that way with me… low and behold…here I am.  Also fighting an occasional mental demon.

He pulled the camper home this week so we could get it cleaned up and do some camping this year.  It has been two summers and I’m ready.  Washed all the sheets, blankets and towels…he’s going to vacuum up dead bugs and we will be ready!  I’m glad we put it away clean and organized last time we used it.  Makes a huge difference. it’s a hybrid camper.  Everything is stationary except the two queen beds which pull down on each end.

Life will be back to normal soon.

Until next time….

11 thoughts on “A day past two weeks…

  1. very cool. I need something like that. I have always wanted to be a nomad..that looks like the perfect way….put up pics of the inside

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is wonderful. easy to pull – easy to set up and everything is right there! You can borrow it anytime – but you have to come to Missouri to get it….ahem


  2. Oh! and have a great camping trip. Being with nature is so good for healing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! I went back to work pretty fast, mostly because I hadn’t been at my job long enough to get medical leave. I went back 2/days week after about 3 weeks, and added days. I had a desk job. I found my mental recovery more difficult than the physical. I have to share, though, that when stressed, my incision area inside gets very itchy, and that is 4 years later!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m also finding the mental recovery a little more difficult….and just the sheer exhaustion I feel when I do something! Hmmmm ref the itchy incision. Now that is interesting!!!!!!!


  4. The beds pull down on both ends and canvas is over your head with all of the zippers and screens of tent camping…except kitchen, bathroom, TV area and AIR Conditioning


  5. I was foolish, and thought I’d be all recovered in 2 or 3 weeks. I don’t know what I was thinking. It was much closer to 6 or 8!


    • Exactly…I’m trying to walk 8,000 steps a day…but I’m totally exhausted! It takes so much energy to force myself up off the couch. I’m wearing a belly band which has been amazing!


      • Oh, that belly band sounds useful! My mom (who also had RCC last year – lucky her, it’s all cured!) spent a lot of time with me, urging me to take walks. We started by just going two houses down the block. Eventually I built up to being able to hike again, which I can’t do any more. Maybe in the future – hope springs eternal.

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  6. I am amazed that has two queen beds. I think camping would be cool but I couldn’t ever see Craig and me doing that. I hope you have a lot of fun.

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